Thursday, March 6, 2008

Doing well with 4 weeks to go!

Well, we are down to the last month and things are going very well. I had my 36 week appointment today. They checked my cervix. No dilation yet, but the cervix and baby's head are low and ready. I am measuring a week ahead, so the baby could make an appearance the last week of March. The heart rate today was 150-152...beating right along. The nursery is almost ready. We got new windows installed this week and doing some finishing touches this weekend. Hopefully it will be completely ready this weekend. Casey enjoyed yet another snow day yesterday. He was able to get caught up on all his grading and, yes, the research papers are done! WooHoo! Hope all is well with everyone. We ask you continue to keep us in your prayers as we will for you! Have a great weekend! :)


  1. We think about you every day! We're so glad to hear that the 3 of you are doing well. Love you.

  2. Glad to hear that everything is going so well. Thanks for the birthday wish. Sorry school has been crazy and I haven't gotten back to you. Can't wait to meet the little one when I'm back in April. Take care!
