Wednesday, June 11, 2008

2 Months Old

Wow. We thought the first month went fast. Pretty soon we'll be posting pictures of a birthday cake with one candle sticking out of it. Things are going incredibly well (knock on wood). Cara has his feeding schedule down to a science, and we have been keeping a strict bath/feeding/story-time ritual. He has been sleeping from 8:00pm - 6:00am with no interruptions for a few weeks now. It's pretty awesome. Cara and I initially said it would be nice to have some time to hang out just the two of us, but we've been so tired from moving and shaking all day that we're ready for bed shortly after Boston goes to sleep.

Boston had his 2 month check-up today and measured in the 96th percentile for weight (weighing in at 14 lbs 10 ozs). When you look at the pictures, you can probably see why. His cheeks are sagging and he's developed a nice set of baby boobies. We were hanging out by the pool earlier today. It was pretty warm, so it probably seemed like bath time. I can't wait until he starts splashing around it. I plan on keeping the pictures and video coming. Since I'm off until the beginning of August you would think my days are pretty empty, but we seem to have no problem filling them up. I'll try to stay on top of things. Stop by for a visit any time!


  1. I didn't think he could get any cuter- but he did! Thanks for the videos!

  2. Is he still only 2 months old? :) I think it's time for a new update!
