Thursday, March 4, 2010

Couch Potato

There haven't been a whole lot of happening happenings out of the norm around here lately. Cara has been busy with nursing, teaching, and learning. I have been busy with teaching, grading, and playing music. And Boston has been...well, just busy.

Some days we play with Play-Doh.

Some days we exercise.

Some days we organize.

Some days we dance.

Bust most days we just hang out. What else is there to do in 30 degree weather, right?

Boston did have a pretty cool day out of the ordinary a couple weeks ago, though. I was looking at movie times online just to see what's out. Not that we would have time to actually watch a movie, but it's fun to pretend. As I was searching through the Sunday list I noticed "Super Why: Attack of the Eraser" in the 12:00pm slot. Boston loves Super Why. It's a cartoon in which these storybook characters solve problems by reading and writing. Cara and Brenda though it might be fun to take him. Apparently he sat and watched the first 40 minutes of the movie and danced the rest of the time. Cara said that they were literally the only three people in the theater, so there was plenty of room to bust a move.

We hope everyone is doing well!


  1. Hehehehe. Boston could not cuter, I mean cooler. We love you Boston!!!

    ~Edward, Meridth and Uschi

  2. The Lemonade pic was fabulous! I have a video of my little girl with her first lemonade, it is priceless! Sorry just a random look and saw the little man's pic, I had to say something. Good work from one proud papa to another...
