Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Potty Training

Week one of Operation Big Boy Potty is in the books. Monday last week I just went for it. I sat Boston on the potty every 15 minutes for two hours, moved to 30 minutes for two hours, then went to every hour. I ended up doing laundry that night, but what can you expect on day one? He went through 6 pairs of his Thomas the Train underwear the first day and only 3 the following day. Progress! By day three we had it. No more wet diapers. Heck, no more diapers! He has yet to actually tell us he needs to pee; instead we dictate potty time or run him to the toilet as soon as he starts grabbing himself Michael Jackson style.

We went with the ever popular "positive reinforcement" method, which Boston loves. Each time we successfully use the potty he is rewarded by flushing the toilet (which he LOVES), receiving his "special drink" (diet, caffeine-free Sprite), and doing the potty dance. We haven't had any successful poops in the potty yet, but we'll keep you posted. In the meantime, we celebrate success one empty bladder at a time.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Congrats Boston on the urination at the proper station!
