Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween was awesome this year. Cara had an itinerary all mapped out so we could hit as many stops as possible when I came home from school. We started out in Columbia City and saw Mom at the bank. We moved on and said hi to Mamaw and Robert where Boston picked up a Snickers and a 3 Musketeers to munch on (in the wrapper). From there we went back to Ft. Wayne and saw Dad and Jan. It looked like E.T. with all the trick-or-treaters walking around their neighborhood. Next we drove down the road and saw the Pulvers. We stopped by to see Dr. Lewis (from Parkview) before heading home. By that time it was time for baby baths, so Cara took the pinchy lobster to Decatur on Saturday. Good times. I could be wrong, but this is probably the coolest lobster you have ever seen. And the great thing about Halloween with a kid who barely has two teeth: eating his candy. It would be stale by the time he reached the age to eat it all, so I'm doing him a favor, right? That's what I keep telling myself, anyway. Happy Halloween, everybody!

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