Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It's 4:05 on Tuesday afternoon, and I just got home from school. The Thanksgiving break has officially begun! Cara has to work on Thursday (booo), but we'll have the rest of the week/weekend together. We're heading down to her grandmother's in Decatur after she gets off work, but staying close to home otherwise. It will be nice to be able to hang out.

Boston has been a bit under the weather lately. He has been waking up with a stuffy nose of a morning and has had a fever off and on. It hasn't really affected his appetite, though. That kid loves his squash and bananas. He seem to have his favorites, but I think he would eat nearly anything.

I hope all is well with everyone. Have a great Thanksgiving, turkeys.


  1. Oh my goodness!! That is the funniest pair of jammies ever Boston! You rock!
