Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1st!

We had an eventful and productive weekend to start off the holiday season with cheer and jollity. Yes, that's a real word; I'm an English major. Boston and I visited Cara at the hospital on Thanksgiving since she had to work. From there we went to Mom's for some fried chicken action before heading down to Decatur to visit with Cara's grandma before she heads down to Florida. Boston ate some Gerber turkey dinner, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Saturday we spent the afternoon at Dad's for some ham and fixins.

I was proud of myself for getting the Christmas lights up over the long weekend. I strung the porch up like I normally do while Boston helped Cara put up the tree. Things are looking quite festive around our way of the woods. We also chose the first day of significant snow to get our leaf situation under control in the back yard. Leaves + snow = wet, soggy, and heavy. Only three more weeks until Christmas break!

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