Wednesday, December 15, 2010


A student drew this characature of me in a drawing class as one of her final projects. Widows peak: check. Argyle sweater: check. Gangly arms: check. My posture isn't that great on any given day, but it looks like I have scoliosis in the drawing. My favorite part of the piece are the students' expressions. Look how happy they are to be learning in my classroom, basking in my enthusiasm for the English language. I think the girl in front would probably stab me if she had any fingers.

You can't see the entire drawing because my scanner isn't big enough, but the question I am posing to the class is, "How many roots are in antidisestablishmentarianism?" I had Katie in Etymology last year, and we actualy talked about this question. Turns out there are seven morphemes (not roots) to the word. It looks like I succeeded in boring the life out of another one! :) Thanks for the drawing, Katie!

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