Friday, April 11, 2008

We Have a Name!

We finally decided on a name. We originally thought Henry would be a good boy name, but it just didn't seem to fit him. Once we got to know him, he definitely seemed like a Boston. Boston Isaac Stansifer. He and mom are still doing fine. He eats like a horse and continues to become more and more animated. The goal is to come home sometime Sunday, but it could be Monday. We can't wait to get him home and start our routines and rituals, but we're enjoying our time at the hospital while it's here. It's kind of nice to have a nurse literally at the push of a button if we have any questions. He has had many visitors and has made lots of new friends, but Boston loves his mommy. He just seems to have a different snuggle when Cara's holding him. Don't forget to check out the photos on the link to the left. I'll be updating those pretty frequently. Thanks for the visits, phone calls, and text messages!